Pick a Little, Talk A Little


Episode Summary

OK! It's time for some fun in yonder wilderness, so say "Ado," grab a farmer, a cowman, a shotgun, and a Little Wonder -- wait, no, don't grab that -- as Gaby and her sister Reyzl explore the territory of ambiguously ethnic characters, mock trials, and awesome but kinda dumb people. Is it time for the box social yet? IS IT? No? Soon?

Episode Notes

OK! It's time for some fun in yonder wilderness, so say "Ado," grab a farmer, a cowman, a shotgun, and a Little Wonder -- wait, no, don't grab that -- as Gaby and her sister Reyzl explore the territory of ambiguously ethnic characters, mock trials, and awesome but kinda dumb people. Is it time for the box social yet? IS IT? No? Soon?

Host: Gabriela Geselowitz / Guest Host: Reyzl Geselowitz / Intro: Yocheved Kolchin / Producer: Rachel Jacobs