Pick a Little, Talk A Little


Episode Summary

Get it right, it's Carrie! The Stephen King book-turned-musical by the writers of Fame that tries to be super serious? Does it succeed? We find out as host Gaby musical-splains the plot and appeal (or whatever you call it) of this objectively bad bloodfest that tries really, really hard to send a message about bullying telekinetic teenagers and just how important prom is. It's REALLY important.

Episode Notes

Get it right, it's Carrie! The Stephen King book-turned-musical by the writers of Fame that tries to be super serious? Does it succeed? We find out as host Gaby musical-splains the plot and appeal (or whatever you call it) of this objectively bad bloodfest that tries really, really hard to send a message about bullying telekinetic teenagers and just how important prom is. It's REALLY important.

Host: Gabriela Geselowitz / Guest Host: Rachel Jacobs / Intro: Yocheved Kolchin / Producer: Rachel Jacobs